Trabajo de grado - Doctorado
Soberanía en el proyecto de reforma constitucional de Laureano Gómez. 1953
2021-04-05Registro en:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Repositorio Institucional Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Salamanca Medina, Miguel Ángel
Esta tesis recorre la trayectoria argumentativa de Laureano Gómez desde 1938 hasta 1953, para abordar el uso del concepto de soberanía que movilizó su proyecto de reforma constitucional de 1953. Para ello, tomo cuatro episodios de la historia colombiana de la primera mitad del S. XX en donde surgieron disputas acerca del papel del pueblo, como legitimador del ejercicio de la autoridad, en una democracia. Allí analizo la postura de Laureano y las discusiones con sus contendores políticos, para señalar las tensiones acerca del origen, el lugar y la actualización de la soberanía. Para ello, utilizo herramientas de la historia conceptual, que permiten rescatar la argumentación en la sincronía de un período y conjugarlo con una diacronía de más larga duración. Estos insumos históricos permiten hacer un abordaje filosófico político que señala a la aporía como una situación constitutiva de lo político.
This thesis goes through Laureano Gómez` argumentative journey, from 1938 to 1953, to present the use of the concept of sovereignty that inspired his constitutional reform project in 1953. To do that, this text includes four episodes of the first half of 20th century of the Colombian history, when political contests about the role of the people emerged, as legitimator of the exercise of authority, in a democracy. There, Laureano’s position and the discussions with his political contenders were analyzed, to point out the tensions about the origin, place and actualization of sovereignty. For that purpose, tools of the History of Concepts were used in order to retrieve the argumentation within the synchrony of a period and mix it with a longer lasting diachrony. These historical supplies allowed for a philosophical approach that points at the aporia as a constitutive aspect of politics. This thesis goes through Laureano Gómez` argumentative journey, from 1938 to 1953, to present the
use of the concept of sovereignty that inspired his constitutional reform project in 1953. To do that,
this text includes four episodes of the first half of 20th century of the Colombian history, when political
contests about the role of the people emerged, as legitimator of the exercise of authority, in a
democracy. There, Laureano’s position and the discussions with his political contenders were analyzed,
to point out the tensions about the origin, place and actualization of sovereignty. For that purpose,
tools of the History of Concepts were used in order to retrieve the argumentation within the synchrony
of a period and mix it with a longer lasting diachrony. These historical supplies allowed for a
philosophical approach that points at the aporia as a constitutive aspect of politics. (Text taken from source)