Efecto de Lentinula edodes a dosis homeopáticas, en un modelo murino de melanoma
Aguilar Cruz, Laura Lorena
The increasing global statistics of the morbi-mortality caused by the skin cancer
makes it a serious health problem. In Mexico, the cases of malignant melanoma
have increased up to a 500% in the last years and it is expected these tendencies
continue until 2020. Until this moment the conventional therapies do not offer a
better forecast to the patients who have it, therefore it is important to look for
alternative therapies. The following proprieties; antivirals, antibacterials, antiinflammatory,
antiparasit, antifungal are attributed to the fungus Lentinula edodes,
specially the antitumor due to its actives, some of them are the lentinian, inductor
of interferon, ergosterol , among others; however, there are no reports of its effects
in homeopathic doses, therefore in this work it was realized the induction of
melanoma in mice C57BL/6 by the intradermic inoculation of the cellular line B16-
F0, offering them as a treatment the L. edodes in homeopathic doses 6CH and
12CH. As a result it was observed that the better antitumor effect it has the group
treated with the L. edodes 12CH. This assertion was corroborated by a statistical
analysis, by means of Student T test for independents samples. The statistically
significant results were obtained by the group 12CH compared with the group L.
edodes 6CH (P= 0.04376) and by the group L. edodes 12 CH compared with the
group negative control (homeopathic alcohol) (P=0.00003). The antitumoral effect
was double checked by a histopathological analysis, from biopsies taken in all
groups, this fact proved that the tissues obtained from these murinus do not show
any evidence of neoplastic cells.