Incorporating Angular Ratio Images into Two-Frame Stereo Algorithms
2012-03-05Registro en:
Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 16 No. 1
Martínez González, Pablo Arturo
Castelán, Mario
Abstract. Light Transport Constancy (LTC) asserts that
the reflectance ratio obtained from two different
illumination variations remains constant for any given
view of the observed scene. LTC was proposed in [21]
as a rank constraint for solving the correspondence
problem in multiple view stereo. In two-frame stereo,
the simplest setting for LTC requires only two
illumination variations and a single light source. Under
this scenario, the rank constraint can be formulated
through ratio images, and standard stereo algorithms
can be applied in order to obtain a disparity map.
Unfortunately, a ratio image may be subject to
saturated pixel values, and this may diminish the quality
of disparity maps. To solve this problem, as a first
contribution in this work, we propose a post-processing
operation based on slope angles related to the ratio
values. Experiments show that new angular ratio
images are more robust and deliver improved disparity
maps. A second contribution of this paper consists in
performing an experimental evaluation of angular ratio
images under the standard test bed for two-view stereo
algorithms, i.e., using different aggregation and
optimization approaches. The results of our research
are consistent with previously reported conclusions for
two-view stereo surveys. It means that LTC may benefit
from a vast variety of existent methods to solve the twoview
stereo problem.