dc.creatorMartínez González, Pablo Arturo
dc.creatorCastelán, Mario
dc.identifierRevista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 16 No. 1
dc.description.abstractAbstract. Light Transport Constancy (LTC) asserts that the reflectance ratio obtained from two different illumination variations remains constant for any given view of the observed scene. LTC was proposed in [21] as a rank constraint for solving the correspondence problem in multiple view stereo. In two-frame stereo, the simplest setting for LTC requires only two illumination variations and a single light source. Under this scenario, the rank constraint can be formulated through ratio images, and standard stereo algorithms can be applied in order to obtain a disparity map. Unfortunately, a ratio image may be subject to saturated pixel values, and this may diminish the quality of disparity maps. To solve this problem, as a first contribution in this work, we propose a post-processing operation based on slope angles related to the ratio values. Experiments show that new angular ratio images are more robust and deliver improved disparity maps. A second contribution of this paper consists in performing an experimental evaluation of angular ratio images under the standard test bed for two-view stereo algorithms, i.e., using different aggregation and optimization approaches. The results of our research are consistent with previously reported conclusions for two-view stereo surveys. It means that LTC may benefit from a vast variety of existent methods to solve the twoview stereo problem.
dc.publisherRevista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 16 No. 1
dc.relationRevista Computación y Sistemas;Vol. 16 No. 1
dc.subjectKeywords. Light Transport Constancy, two-frame stereo, ratio images.
dc.titleIncorporating Angular Ratio Images into Two-Frame Stereo Algorithms

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