Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão educacional e autonomia: os desafios do professor gestor na educação infantil
Duraczinski, Veridiana Pereira
This research aimed at investigating and analyzing how the relation between the words Educational Management and Autonomy is viewed by teachers of pre-school .in the scope of the school as well as verifying the comprehension about the role and attitudes of a manager and a teacher-manager in the field of pre-school education. The research was carried out through interviews with the teachers and also with research in different means and materials available. This study was carried out in a municipal pre-school in Santa Maria – RS, which is attended mostly by low class students. The research had a qualitative approach, under the procedural perspective of a case study. Several questions on the topic were raised, which contributed to the research. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to carry out the research. Data collected from the interviews were analyzed and they showed not only insecurity, but also a certain inertia by teachers, because they identify and recognize that decisions are already pre-determined by the school administration, and that is not part of a democratic management. It is concluded that there is still a lot to be done so teachers can understand and play their role inside schools; moreover, teachers should have a continuing teacher education and search information to better comprehend what a democratic management is; it is also suggested that teachers have an open dialogue with the school administration, with parents and the community as well for a coherent practice.