Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Política e gestão em saúde: um olhar na legislação da pessoa com deficiência e a conquista de direitos no Brasil
Neuhaus, Ilaine Isolete Follmer
This is a reflective and bibliography study that aims to analyze the process of inclusion of disabled in policy and management in health, according to the legislation. The first registers about the existence of disabled show that they have always been discriminated, there were extreme cases of murders of these people by being considered unable to live with others. In general, law and history show that disabled persons in the past were isolated and, slowly these people started being treated and included socially. In this sense, the professional in management in public health will have a special role, supported by laws which protect disabled, and they will be able to act with the disabled’ families contributing to the social insertion and minimizing the disabled’ exclusion. So, as professionals in management and action of the services to disabled persons it’s fundamental act in a inclusive way, promoting dignity and total citizenship of all the individuals, especially those who are disabled, irrespectively of the nature of the disability.