Machado de Assis e a (re)escrita de Oliver Twist
2013-03-05Registro en:
CAMELO, Franciano. MACHADO DE ASSIS AND THE (RE)WRITING OF OLIVER TWIST. 2013. 160 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2013.
Camelo, Franciano
In early 1870, Machado de Assis translated part of Oliver Twist, a novel by
Charles Dickens (LÍSIAS, 2002). Although unfinished, since the Brazilian writer
stopped his contribution at chapter twenty-eight, this translation presents
particularities, which are worth being analysed. It is especially noticeable the French
mediation in the translation of the Dickensian novel into Portuguese as well as the
manipulation of the narrative, which remodelled the novel (MASSA, 1965). Recent
studies approached the issue to a limited extent, mainly for not regarding the
implications of both major and minor adjustments promoted by Machado. Hence, this
study has a two-fold purpose: a) to investigate the route of Oliver Twist to Brazil,
through the analysis of the relation between the English editions of this novel, the
French translation made by Alfred Gérardin and the Brazilian translation by Machado
de Assis; b) to analyse in detail the procedures adopted by the Brazilian writer while
translating Dickens novel and discuss their implications for the narrative structure.
The (re)writing of Oliver Twist seems to have encompassed, so as to say, a process
of selection of repertoire and formal reorganisation of the narrative, which appears to
respond to the specificity of nineteenth-century Brazilian context of reception.