Os sentidos da felicidade: uma introdução ao estudo da metafísica da felicidade e da sabedoria de vida em Schopenhauer
2015-10-15Registro en:
LEMOS, Anerson Gonçalves de. The senses of happiness: an introduction to the study of metaphysics of the happiness and wisdom of life in
Schopenhauer. 2015. 167 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, 2015.
Lemos, Anerson Gonçalves de
This study is a research on the notion of happiness in the philosophy of Schopenhauer. We
intend to show the different meanings or perspectives of approach which this concept takes on
Schopenhauer thoughts in two key areas where it develops its ethical reflection: in the
metaphysical field and pragmatic or empirical-psychological domain. The analysis starts
exposing the distinctive and complex character of the moral philosophy of Schopenhauer,
seeking to pave the way to expose the conceptual features of his approach and the problems
that its metaphysical reflection model imposes for treatment that theme. The exhibition obeys
the following steps: first, we present the presence of the issue of happiness at various stages of
the intellectual development of Schopenhauer and we make explicit that his analysis is based
on an implicit project in its ethics, which was to bring moral reflection to the most relevant
questions of human existence, in its various aspects. Secondly, we characterize the structural
design of the main notions of Schopenhauerian happiness from the fundamental perspective
of his philosophy, namely, metaphysics. This section sets forth an understanding of the basis
of the theme of happiness through the discussion of metaphysical questions in their
epistemological developments, aesthetic and ethical, and later, analysis of the three major
existential conditions that can be interpreted as states of happiness: the common happiness or
"earthly", "pure happiness" and holy bliss. Third, we present the second fundamental
perspective of exposure of happiness that corresponds to the pragmatic aspect, developed by
the so-called eudemonologia of Schopenhauer. In this section we present the basic conceptual
premise of Schopenhauer's practical philosophy that guided the reflection on the subject. The
fundamental concepts were explored both through Schopenhauers dialogue with tradition of
ancient philosophy, and also seeking to enter the theoretical difficulties that the proposal of
science or prudential wisdom for the conduct of life in the Aphorisms of Wisdom for Life
places to Schopenhauer. Finally, an analysis of significant or evaluative aspects around
elements or ingredients of the happy life and psychological properties of happiness in
connection with the analysis of Schopenhauer in aphorisms and some aspects of
contemporary moral psychology was made. The final chapter is intended as a supplement to
the empirical-psychological analysis developed in the third, although there is also given
emphasis to some scientific discoveries about happiness that agree and provide an empirical
foundation for conceptual insights of Schopenhauer. The study of contemporary theories
reveals that the conclusions of the philosopher on the fundamental elements of happy life and
specific psychological.