Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Gestão democrática e participativa: possibilidades de planejamento, aplicação e acompanhamento eficiente dos recursos públicos em educação
Freitas, Afrânio de Lima
This monographic study addresses the need for a quality education in order to
minimize social inequalities, and, to achieve this ideal the resources directed to the
education area need to be managed efficiently, objectively, with monitoring and
enforcement action. Through analysis of government programs, with a qualitative
approach, seeks to understand the current policy of public funding in education
existing in Brazil, which are implemented in the city of Fortaleza / CE, their ways of
monitoring / control, focusing on the integration of subject school to experience a
truly democratic and participatory experience. Initially analyzed in aspects of building
the democratic management and participation of the school community, referencing
that this will become an efficient way to monitor the resources of education. Then, try
to investigate the funding of programs that constitute the Brazilian educational
policies, with emphasis on the FUNDEF, recently replaced by FUNDEB the PMDE
the PDDE and programs from the Education Development Plan. It appears that often
the resources for education are used in a wrong way, which does not provide the full
development of educational programs. Reversing this framework requires efforts of
governments and society and requires the implementation of public policies that will
help overcome the obstacles that arise in all social sectors of the country. Education
achieved good results from the construction of an education system that has its basis
in a democratic and participatory school that use of autonomy to manage resources, prioritizing their local reality.