Análise de topologias para lâmpada bulbo led utilizando dispositivos semicondutores de nitreto de gálio operando em 1MHz
Rosa, Veridiane Lopes
This paper presents the losses and efficiency evaluation to three different topologies. This paper
goals are evaluating the losses percental related to the semiconductors devices, Gallium Nitride (GaN). This paper presents the converters: synchronous Buck, quasi-resonant Buck converter and LLC resonant converter. The topologies have their losses evaluated by calculation, simulation and experimental, therefore it is possible to compare the methods. Utilizing the calculation and simulation method is possible to predict the real converter behaviour, as result is possible to evaluate each device losses. In conclusion the Gallium Nitrite have some limitations to low load applications and hard switching operation. In the resonant applications the semiconductor devices, GaN, have their losses decreased.