Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
Conselho de classe participativo
Lopes, Eneida Santos
The present work shows the thougts about the introduce of the Participative
Class Meeting at a Municipal Basic Education School, comparing and examining
the Traditional Class Meeting and the Participative Class Meeting and identifies the
objections to its implantation since among severa] problems that education is
facing it is the way of solve the learnign problems, so that help the studentes in
their difficulties and not disturb them more. Starting from this presupposition it is
attempted to study carefuIly the knowledges about the Participative Class Meeting
and the assessinent, showing that through the answers to the research
instruments, the great difficulty that teachers and studens have relating to the
problems appeared is the classroom. Finally ít is detected the need of a bigger
theoretical attemption regarding to the planning, more opportunity discuss new
ideas, accepting reviews and searching for new solutions to the challenges that
comes out during the activities proposed by the School.