Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
O desenvolvimento do aluno na educação infantil na perspectiva da educação física
Duarte, Tâmiris Leite
The physical activity is essential in human life, because it develops the natural, basic and specific abilities, besides providing the knowledge acquisition. It is also beneficial for the development of the child, because through games and plays, it stimulates the child’s intellect. This practice of activities does not relate to the fact of achieving well a movement, but developing it in the best way possible, favoring the concentration levels of the student. In front of this context, the present work looks for analyzing the influence of educational physical activity in the kindergarten and what is the perception of the Physical Education teachers that work in the kindergarten, through an interview that will be carried out with the teachers responsible for the physical activity in the two schools that participate of this work. In the educators’ vision, the practice of physical activity improves the knowledge related to the body’s notions, especially in the kindergarten where the student develops him or herself gradually during the plays. However, the actions that have been lived during childhood contribute to the kindergarten student’s development. Every stimulus and all physical activities that have been worked perform an important role in the future of these human beings.