Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso de Especialização
A importância da participação da família no contexto da educação infantil com crianças de 0 a 3 anos
Maffini, Franciele Paraboni
This paper seeks to address a topic of relevance in early childhood education – the importance of the participation of the family in the context of early childhood education with children from 0 to 3 years. The goal is to understand the role of the family in this context. The survey was conducted as research-action mode, in which the participation of families in the early childhood Unit Yellow Ipê was the main focus of this work. Weaving in relationships from the theoretical approaches found in the assumptions of RINALDI (2014), KULHMAN (2015), FORTUNATI (2009 and 2014) and MONÇÃO (2013) from this managed to realize the importance of some practices experienced in the school of early childhood education, in which the family needs to be accepted and encouraged for their participation. Thus, the institution draw up viabilizadoras proposals for an education that respects the characteristics of childhood, whereas the Family/school partnership as the Foundation of the educational work of quality in early childhood education.