Artículo de revista
A modified Lagrange-Galerkin method for a fluid-rigid system with discontinuous density
2012Registro en:
Numer. Math. (2012) 122:341–382
DOI 10.1007/s00211-012-0460-1
San Martín, Jorge
Scheid, Jean-François
Smaranda, Loredana
In this paper, we propose a new characteristics method for the
discretization of the two dimensional fluid-rigid body problem in the case where the
densities of the fluid and the solid are different. The method is based on a global weak
formulation involving only terms defined on the whole fluid-rigid domain. To take into
account the material derivative, we construct a special characteristic function which
maps the approximate rigid body at the (k +1)-th discrete time level into the approximate
rigid body at k-th time. Convergence results are proved for both semi-discrete
and fully-discrete schemes.