Interacción tras el volante de los conductores de taxi en Bogotá: Estudio sobre la construcción de significados de su trabajo
Galeano Rodríguez, Karen Lorena
Madrigal Fernández, Daniela
The taxi driver’s work goes beyond to transport individuals from one place to
another. While navigating throughout the city, taxi drivers build interactions with each other,
with other social agents, with their taxi and with space and time. It is in those interactions, they
create the meanings about their work, but there is a lack of understanding of those meanings
from a micro-sociological perspective. For that reason, the present research point to analyze the
construction of social meanings of the activity of taxi drivers in Bogotá,Colombia based on the
theory of symbolic interactionism, proposed by Herbert Blumer (1969), non-classical work (De
la Garza, 2010 & 2013) and social networks (Lomnitz, 1975 & 1994). The analysis of the data,
showed that interactions are what allows the creation of meanings that the taxi drivers give to
their work; in addition, the interactions allow the entrance of individuals to work as taxi drivers
and its permanence in it.