La cooperación internacional para el desarrollo
Garzón Fierro, Juan Camilo
The International Cooperation for Development has been characterized by a progressive evolutionduring the past three decades. The basis, on which the cooperation has been practised, has been reformulated, thus impacting the way in which participants interact. The first part of this working paper seeks to characterise the nature of the interaction between agents inside the process of cooperation. We refer to game theory; in particular we use cooperative games and their agreement mode, introducing the concept of Pareto’s optimum and the postulate of efficiency of Coase. The second part is devoted to the concept of Development. We describe its evolution –characterised by the rupture of paradigms-; we expose two approaches: the first one based on how and for whom and the other one a time-based approach that makes reference to the short and long term, emphasizing that the current approach is focused on human features. On the other hand, we analysed the role of Official Aid for Development (OAD) from a political point of view allowing us to see how the underlying political interests affect the States who receive aid. Finally, we describe the critical elements of the evolution of the relationships and the cooperation for development between Latin America and The European Union, as well as the relationship between Colombia and the European Union. Additionally, we explain the important role that the Non Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) have had on development projects set out on the framework of the relations for cooperation between Latin America and The European Union.