Effie College 2e: caso Alpina : PAFE - estrategias digitales para negocios
Castaño Cortés, María
Diaz Tinoco, Judy Lorena
González González, Jyced Juranny
Rozo Pachón, Paula Camila
Maldonado, Cristian Valeriano
Alpina is the most important company in Colombia dedicated to the production and marketing of dairy products. These efforts have not been communicated assertively to consumers. For this reason, the strategic challenge is to carry out an efficient campaign where Alpina's efforts can be communicated in such a way that consumers are sensitized so that, when choosing a dairy product, they do so for these sustainable attributes of the brand and not only look at the price.
Through in-depth research, it was established that children between 4 and 13 years old are motivators of purchasing consumer products that are crucial for families.
The proposed marketing campaign is divided into three strategies. The first focuses on the creation of a main character named Drako the Captain Alpina, a canine superhero whose mission is "to feed your life by building a more fun world". The second strategy focuses on the segment of children from 4 to 8 years old and is called Alpina City; It is a mobile cabin where children will assume different roles of the actors of the value chain. Finally, for the segment of pre-adolescents (9 to 13 years old) Camp Alpina is proposed: a place full of adventure where children will participate by teams in different challenges, with which they seek to promote the values of marking and publicize its sustainable attributes.
The overall strategy will be explained in detail in this document, including the analysis of the quantitative and qualitative research developed in the project