Diagnostico y plan estratégico sector turismo en el municipio de El Colegio- Cundinamarca
Hernández Ospina, Paola Andrea
Gutiérrez Sandoval, Maira Yesenia
The present investigation was made in the Municipality of “El Colegio” , thanks to the agreement signed between the University of the Rosario and Cundinamarca's Government; looking to improve the economic development of the municipalities of the department, creating the project " Healthy Municipality And Local Growth point ".
After made a diagnosis based on secondary information, there are a lack of planning, organization and promotion in that sector. In this way the essence of this thesis is to make a strategic plan with strategies that could be developed right now and in the future, also for improve and promote the tourism sector, identify an approach that could help to the develop of the municipality, to attract new tourist profiles national and international.
Across the strategic plan we are looking for a highly competitive tourism by strategies that match with the needs of the habitants and the resources at the municipality based on the “turismo cultural” (cultural tourism). The strategies are: the development of a campaign of sense of belonging “Yo soy cultura” (I´m culture), create a point of tourist information, improvement of the tourist operators and tourist formation, tourist initiatives and promotion and commercialization of the tourism.