Deficiencias en la oportunidad de la atención a pacientes en los servicios de urgencias
Moros-Portilla, Santiago
Jimenez-Peña, Oscar Mauricio
The personal commitment of health professionals, as an important but little explored factor to improve the opportunity in the health care in the Emergency Medical Services, can produce deficiencies in the quality of the attention, this problem can generate in turn dissatisfaction in the patients and their families. These deficiencies are the result of multiple systemic and organizational causes; however, Healthcare Institutions have limited scope for managing them, focusing on resource efficiency. Consequently, its manifestation affects the clinical condition of patients classified as Triage II, requiring attention no more than 30 minutes after their entry, which could generate undesirable impacts on their health. Therefore, it is intended to demonstrate that one of the most important causes of patient dissatisfaction are the deficiencies in the timing of care in these services.