Análisis de la relación bilateral colombo – estadounidense en materia de seguridad y defensa durante el periodo 2002 – 2014, y su incidencia en la diversificación de la política exterior colombiana.
Castillo Bonilla, Viviana
The interest of this monograph is to analyze the transformation of the Colombo - American bilateral relations in terms of security and defense during the period 2002 – 2014. It will be seen on how this transformation can influence the formlation of Colombia´s foreign policy. The foreign policy of Álvaro Uribe Vélez as well as the current president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos will be the center of study for this text. Finally, this will take place under one of the theories of International Relations, the Subaltern Realist and neoclassical realism, which will allow understanding the reason why Colombia´s foreign policy has change.