Tensiones socio-espaciales por las ventas ambulantes en el espacio público en Bogotá a partir del decreto 456 de 2013. Estudio de caso: Plazoleta del Rosario
Perdomo Guzmán, Jose Gabriel
The economic exploitation of public space is a phenomenon which challenges the definition of the public and the private spaces. This distinction is one of the foundations of the modern state, creating tensions that, at the same time, affect the exercise of administration. For its part, the actors involved in the discussion upon which the foundations of our liberal democracy are based, are marginalized by the different classifications that apply to them, socially stigmatizing agents and practices in spaces. It is from this dichotomy between the formal and the informal and his relations, that the discution of social construction of public space and the ambivalence of the rights of a population that acts outside the system are relevant.