Factores de la relación interorganizacional y su asociación con la obtención de beneficios a nivel organizacional : caso de tres consorcios del sector de la construcción en Colombia
Guzmán Otálora, Adriana del Pilar
The purpose of this research was to describe various factors of the inter-organizational relationship and their incidence on perceived profits in three consortia part of the construction sector in Colombia. To this end, a qualitative study was conducted with a descriptive scope using an integrated case study approach with three units of analysis. The information was gathered by way of a structured interview with the representatives of the organizations part of the three analyzed consortia. The information was analyzed and processed using open and axial coding. The outcome shows that from the analysis of the factors: commitment, trust, reputation and cultural values, the profits can be described in the analyzed consortia. Which in turn entails benefits, from the context of the relationship and at the individual level for the consortium organizations.