Soberanía estatal en el marco del régimen internacional de DDHH: un análisis de la derogación de leyes de amnistía como consecuencia de la injerencia de la corte IDH en Perú
Muñoz Pérez, Janeth Eliana
This paper aims to analyze the issue of state sovereignty under the international regime of human rights, through the case of repeal of amnesty laws in Peru by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Thus, it aims to identify the impact on the sovereignty of the Peruvian State as a result of the declaration of incompatibility and lack of legal effects of amnesty laws by the Inter-American Court in the Case Barrios Altos vs. Peru. In that sense, by the study of the concept of state sovereignty, particularly in the branch of the legislature, and its relationship with interstate international institutions as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, we can identify how decisions of the Court limit the sovereign power of States.