Los problemas del tabaco: Gobierno, campesinos y mujeres en la década de 1930
Rueda Rey, Nicolás Felipe
During the 1930s industrial capitalism it organized different areas of politics and culture in Colombia. Through the case study of Coltabaco, we explore three moments of the links of industrial capitalism with Colombian society. At first, we describe the political ties that made visible different kinds of political participation of the industrial sector and its relationship with the regions, the institutions (public and private) and elites, also we underling the importance of the domestic market for the Tobacco Industry. In the second stage, we characterized the links between Coltabaco and the rural sector from the pedagogical work of Coltabaco for leaf production, likewise, we describe the representations of grower of tobacco linked to the industry were widespread in the rural sector; finally, the links between Coltabaco and urban areas are analyzed in the tension cigarette-woman. In cigarette consumption situation, female pleasure dissociated himself from moral and hygienic conditions, winning, through taste, a new circumstance to experience the subjectivity of the modern woman. “Los Problemas del tabaco” were not limited exclusively to the area of economic policy, peasant customs were also unrelated to the rhythm required for the industry, and moral and hygienic ideas that organized the custom in women-cigarette relationship.