El reasentamiento involuntario a raíz de la actividad minera y su efecto en las transformaciones socio-espaciales en el corregimiento de Providencia-Antioquia
Franco, Anna María
The town of Providencia – Antioquia, is the center of the largest gold mining operation in Colombia: ‘Gramalote’. Given that the town of Providencia is under direct influence of the main pit of the project, the involuntary displacement of the population seems unavoidable. Being said this, the main challenge is to carry on a successful t a successful resettlement process, knowing that in Colombia there isn´t a national resettlement policy and therefore, for this specific case the company must implement the Performance Standard 5-PS5-: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement. Throughout the document the reader will find that the biggest challenge of implementing the PS5 lies within the lack of knowledge of government control entities and secondly, how can this standard could be applied in the future given that each human community in a territory are intrinsically heterogeneous and complex to cope with generic standards.