La trascendencia de los estudios previos, como materialización del principio de planeación en los contratos estatales de obra
Castillo Murillo, Evelin
The present investigation materializes an interest to find the causes of the lack of planning in specific contracts like the state of work, to find in the same normativity, in the jurisprudence and in practice, the origin of its inefficiency or non-observance, and at the same time, find in these tools, as well as in the national and international doctrine and in the recommendations of international organizations, mechanisms that allow to adapt the norm to the reality of the country, in such a way that the generation of unlawful damages is prevented and the Preparation of a complete and adequate planning in the pre-contractual stage. In this way it is intended to grant the principle of planning the recognition it deserves, strengthening it in the pre-contractual stage, demanding the necessary efforts in the preparation of previous studies, in such a way that the equation is inverted in dedication and resources that is granted today, where it is more concerned with solving the contractual problems in the execution of it, being able to prevent its generation from conception.