Fundación Book Hunters: Atrévete a experimentar con la lectura
Cruz Mejía, Fernanda
The Book Hunters Foundation is a non-profit organization that works in order to reinforce the relationship of reading in children from an early age, involving the community and promoting the understanding of the environment that surrounds children today. Through activities that make children from 5 to 11 years work their imagination, their abilities and to understand how having a good reading habit can affect their daily life.
The team believes that to achieve the goals it is necessary to transform the meaning of reading, for Book Hunters reading goes beyond taking a book and getting involved in the story, instead the meaning of reading it is experimental because you can smell, feel, see, taste, imagine and listen to the books and their stories. The foundation wants to apply this concept in the different municipalities located in the savannah of the department of Cundinamarca, with the support of some companies that are currently operating in the sector, offering them a business model that invites the Companies to become actively involved with the people around them. The main objective of Book Hunters is the synergy between the communities, the sponsoring companies and the foundation in order to promote a voluntary and participatory reading. Book Hunters looks for the support of the private institutions of the manufacturing industry, which are willing to take a step towards change and see the quality of education as a way to push an entire population towards personal and professional success.