| masterThesis
Conflictos de competencias deducidos de la regulación económica
Espinosa Zota, Jaime Guillermo
In the administrative police function exercised by the State in various spheres, there is economic and social regulation, as an expression of the forms of state intervention with power to limit the rights and freedoms of individuals in all sectors, which are contained in legal or regulatory provisions that confer powers to the organs of the Administration, when they are executed, sometimes intercepted, even if they find grounds and delimitation in the legal system create concomitance in its application - rationae materia or rationae personae, with which Constitute a conflict of competence.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore some of these conflicts of administrative competencies that occur in certain national agencies of the executive branch of public power which culminate in a ruling by the Consultation and Civil Service Room of the Council of State. Some normative statements that can give rise to numerous interpretations are analyzed, where traditional criteria of resolution such as hierarchy, specialty and chronology are exhausted.