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Towards A Social-based Process For Information System Development: A Case Study
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Project Management And Risk Management In Complex Projects: Studies In Organizational Semiotics. , v. , n. , p. 177 - 192, 2007.
Cocozza Simoni C.A.
Meincke Melo A.
Baranauskas M.C.C.
The role played by the computer in organizations continues to evolve and increases in importance, since it mediates social relationships. To improve the information system (IS) development process we need a better understanding of the organizations and their internal and external interactions and dynamics. This chapter aims at discussing a semiotic-based approach to the development of IS. The proposed approach is illustrated with a case study in which a real organization was exposed to methods of organizational semiotics (OS) to rethink its way of developing systems. This work has allowed us to verify the contributions of OS to the redesign of an IS development process in an IT organization. © 2007 Springer.
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