Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81
Approximation and the n-Berezin transform of operators on the Bergman space
(De Gruyter, 2005-07)
To any bounded operator S on the Bergman space La2 we associate a sequence of linear transforms Bn(S ) ∈ L∞(D), where n ≧ 0, and prove that the Toeplitz operators article image tend to S for some especial classes of operators ...
The Toeplitz algebra on the Bergman space coincides with its commutator ideal
(Theta Foundation, 2004-12)
Let L^2-a be the Bergman space of the unit disk and T(L^2_a) be the Banach algebra generated by Toeplitz operators T_f , with f ∈ L∞. We prove that the closed bilateral ideal of T(L2a) generated by operators of the form ...
A generalization of Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space
(Theta Foundation, 2015-08)
If μ μ is a finite measure on the unit disc and k ⩾ 0 k⩾0 is an integer, we study a generalization derived from Engli\v{s}'s work, T ( k ) μ Tμ(k), of the traditional Toeplitz operators on the Bergman space \berg \berg, ...
Approximation and symbolic calculus for Toeplitz algebras on the Bergman space
(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 2004-12)
If f ∈ L∞(D) let T_f be the Toeplitz operator on the Bergman space L^2_a of the unit disk D. For a C∗-algebra A ⊂ L∞(D) let T(A) denote the closed operator algebra generated by {Tf : f ∈ A}. We characterize its commutator ...
Matikor, Chutney, Odissi and Bollywood: Identity Politics in Indo-Trinidadian Dance
Four genres of Indo-Trinidadian dance—folk, film, chutney and classical—have opened spaces in which gender (as well as ethnic, national and class) identities are negotiated and chosen from an increasing variety of options. ...
The Essential Norm of Operators on Ap α(Bn)
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2013-01)
In this paper we characterize the compact operators on the weighted Bergman spaces Ap α(Bn) when 1 <p< ∞ and α > −1. The main result shows that an operator on Ap α(Bn) is compact if and only if it belongs to the Toeplitz ...
Bergman spaces for the solutions of linear partial differential equations
(Universidad Nacuional de Colombia; Sociedad Colombiana de matemáticas, 1984)
The operator Re (taking the real part of a complex function in one complex variable) transforms the class of analytic functions into the class of harmonic functions.
Magnetism of Co overlayers and nanostructures on W(001): A first-principles study
The magnetic properties of Co nanostructures and a Co monolayer on W(001) have been studied in the framework of density functional theory. Different geometries such as planar and three-dimensional clusters have been ...