Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 909
Establishing levels of competence in translation: First results of the nact projectO estabelecimento de níveis de competência em tradução: Primeiros resultados do projeto nact
This paper presents the research project the PACTE group is carrying out on Establishing Competence Levels in the Acquisition of Translation Competence in Written Translation. The project aims to propose level descriptors ...
Reading comprehension: didactic proposals for the translator-reader
Spanish as a mother tongue: what is the best equation for developing formal and functional aspects of linguistic competence in translation students?
The Translation and Interpreting Competence Questionnaire: an online tool for research on translators and interpreters
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-01)
Despite the growth of research on translation and interpreting, measures of competence in such activities typically stem from informal, non-validated instruments. This scenario casts doubts on the ensuing findings and ...
Psycholinguistic explorations of lexical translation equivalents: Thirty years of research and their implications for cognitive translatology
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2015-10)
This paper reviews psycholinguistic research on lexical translation equivalents to show how accumulating evidence constrained successive models of interlingual processing. Three stages are identified in the development of ...
Descriptive study of translator´s skills and competences applicable to subtitling processes for specific training purposes at the school of english language of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2017)
A Corpus-based Proposal for Teaching a Translational Habitus: Initial dialogues with Bourdieu’s sociological approachesUna propuesta basada en corpus para enseñar un habitus de la traducción: diálogos iniciales con los enfoques sociológicos de Bourdieu
There is a growing body of literature that recognises the importance of Social Sciences in Translation Studies, such as the discussions surrounding the translational habitus, developed by Simeoni, Wolf and Inghilleri. In ...
O Papel da Tradu????o na Forma????o Inicial de Professores de L??ngua Inglesa
(Instituto de LetrasPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em L??ngua e CulturaUFBAbrasil, 2018-08-21)