Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8157
Parental involvement in an urban primary school
Improving Home-School Relations
(Daily Express, 2004)
This article discusses the potential benefits to students of parental involvement in schools, and makes suggestions for activities that can be undertaken by schools to involve parents in their children's education
The Social Ecology of Parental Monitoring: Parent-Child Dynamics in a High-Risk Peruvian Neighborhood
(Wiley, 2020)
While parental monitoring is understood to protect adolescents from engaging in risk behaviors, little is known about how the family dynamics involved in parental monitoring differ across sociocultural contexts. We sought ...
Conductas parentales y estrés parental en padres de niños con 1 a 3 años de edad de Lima, Metropolitana
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2022-10-14)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre las conductas parentales y el estrés parental en los padres de familia con niños de 1 a 3 años de Lima Metropolitana. Además, el estudio ...
Facilitating parental involvement: From rhetoric to reality [PowerPoint presentation]
This paper reports on parents' empowerment, using the concept of appreciative inquiry, that is, the process of transforming and strengthening a system to heighten positive potential of parents (Cooperrider, 1990). It draws ...
Motivation and Perception of Parental Support: A Study with Young Athletes of Individual and Team Sports
(Federacion Espanola Asoc Docentes Educacion Fisica-feadef, 2022-01-01)
Parental support in relation to their children's sporting trajectory guides sporting development.This study aimed to analyze the perception of athletes about their parents' involvement and motivational orientation in ...