Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 33826
La aplicación del marketing relacional en mercados masivos de América Latina: estudio de casos en el Perú.The Application of Relational Marketing in Latin American Mass Consumer Markets: A Case Study in PeruA aplicação do marketing relacional em mercados massivos da América Latina: estudo de casos no Peru
(Universidad del Rosario, 2013)
Relational marketing appeared as an attempt to overcome the constraints of transactional marketing, aiming to develop and preserve long term relations with clients by satisfying their needs and increasing value. In practice, ...
Marketing Relacional
Campaña de marketing alternativo para el Festival Internacional de Cine y Tv para Niñ@s
(Universidad del Azuay, 2013)
¿Cuáles son las variables clave en la adopción del marketing de relaciones? Una investigación en el contexto colombianoWhat are the Key Variables in the Adoption of Relationship Marketing? A Research in the Colombian ContextQuais são as variáveis chave na adoção do marketing de relações? Uma pesquisa no contexto colombiano
(Universidad del Rosario, 2015)
The purpose of this research is to discover the key variables in the application of relationship marketing in Colombian companies. A comparative instrument is applied to companies belonging to different industries and of ...
Presentación de la asignatura: Marketing Relacional
(AdministraciónFacultad de Ciencias de la Empresa, 2017)
La aplicación del marketing relacional en mercados masivos de América Latina: estudio de casos en el Perú
(Universidad del RosarioCO, 2013-04-30)
Relational marketing appeared as an attempt to overcome the constraints of transactional marketing, aiming to develop and preserve long term relations with clients by satisfying their needs and increasing value. In practice, ...
La aplicación del marketing relacional en mercados masivos de América Latina: estudio de casos en el Perú
(Universidad del RosarioCO, 2013-04-30)
Relational marketing appeared as an attempt to overcome the constraints of transactional marketing, aiming to develop and preserve long term relations with clients by satisfying their needs and increasing value. In practice, ...
Marketing Relacional
Estrategia de marketing relacional y la lealtad de los clientes en la tienda de autoservicio Mia Market de Juliaca, año 2017
(Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, 2018)