Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9287
On the alignment between goal models and enterprise models with an ontological account
Business process modelling basically comprises an activity whose main goal is to provide a formalization of business processes in an organization or a set of cooperating organizations (Recker, et al., 2006) (van der Aalst, ...
A aplicação do planejamento estratégico na vida pessoal
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2016-06-23)
This study aimed to verify how the application of the Personal Strategic Planning
helps individuals to have short and long term goals and identify what is Strategic
Planning and the importance of its application in ...
(Universidade Federal do Espírito SantoBRPrograma de Pós-Graduação em InformáticaUFESMestrado em Informática, 2009-12-16)
Business process modelling basically comprises an activity whose main goal is to provide a formalization of business processes in an organization or a set of cooperating organizations (Recker, et al., 2006) (van der Aalst, ...
Metas y satisfacción vital en adolescentes españoles y peruanos según sexo y nivel socioeconómicoGoals and satisfaction with life in Spanish and Peruvian adolescents according to sex and socioeconomic level
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Fondo EditorialPE, 2017)
Metas de vida y socialización parental en adolescentes estudiantes de una institución educativa nacional del distrito de Trujillo
(Universidad Privada del NortePE, 2018-02-28)
El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad relacionar las metas de vida y la
socialización parental en una institución educativa de Trujillo. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por 456 participantes entre hombres y mujeres. Para ...
Goals as Emergent Autopoietic Processes
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2021-11)
While the phenomena of reaching a goal is generally represented in the framework of optimization, the phenomena of becoming of a goal is more similar to a “self-organization and emergent” rather than an “optimization and ...
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Student Life Satisfaction and the Community of Chilean Adolescents
Feeling support from the community is a vital aspect of adolescents’ quality of life. Negative experiences at school, such as bullying and cyberbullying can have an adverse impact on adolescents’ life satisfaction that can ...