Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1047
Becoming mother and father in late adoption: a case study
Adoption in Brazil has long been related to practices of not disclosing the child`s history and origins, which become a family secret. As a consequence, most couples who apply for adoption prefer newborns. Late adoption ...
O processo de filiação de crianças maiores aos pais adotivos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-04-01)
This study was based on the attendance, by this reasearcher as a judiciary analist, in four adoptions cases of children between four and ten years old, prosecuted at the Recife s Secound Childhood and Adolescece Court, ...
O processo de filiação de crianças maiores aos pais adotivos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2016-04-01)
This study was based on the attendance, by this reasearcher as a judiciary analist, in four adoptions cases of children between four and ten years old, prosecuted at the Recife s Secound Childhood and Adolescece Court, ...
The construction of family bonds in late adoptionLa construcción de lazos familiares en adopción tardíaA estrutura do vínculo familiar na adoção tardia
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2021)
Análise da adaptação familiar e estratégias estabelecidas para construção de vínculos afetivos na adoção tardia
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEs, 2009-02-16)
Analyzing the risk factors to the infantile development in light of the reality of a country limited in economic resources as Brazil, the observation of abandonment cases of less favored
children has become common. In the ...
Raça, gênero e geração como determinantes para a escolha de crianças adotáveis: uma análise sobre adoção tardia em torno dos dados do Cadastro Nacional de Adoção (CNA)
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNServiço Social, 2021-04-22)
This paper addresses the issue of late adoption in Brazil, seeking to contribute to the existing discussions on the impacts of racial and gender issues on the lives of children and especially black children available for ...
Filhos por adoção: um estudo sobre o seu processo educativo em famílias com e sem filhos biológicos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2007-03-26)
The difficulties related with children education seem to be universal, however, very oftenly, inside the adoptive filiations, some aspects from the educational process emerge reinforced with an extrapolated magnitude ...
Filhos por adoção: um estudo sobre o seu processo educativo em famílias com e sem filhos biológicos
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2007-03-26)
The difficulties related with children education seem to be universal, however, very oftenly, inside the adoptive filiations, some aspects from the educational process emerge reinforced with an extrapolated magnitude ...
Histórias de adoção tardia: considerações a partir da analítica existencial heideggeriana
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM PSICOLOGIA, 2014-08-15)
Adoption establishes a filiation status, resulting from a legal act, which attributes to the
child and parents the rights and obligations associated with such condition, being legally
irrevocable. Nevertheless, in practice ...
Signaling Quality in the Presence of Observational Learning
We study the optimal pricing strategy for a privately informed monopolist in the presence of observational learning. Early adopters learn quality before purchasing the product. Late adopters learn quality from frst-period ...