Raça, gênero e geração como determinantes para a escolha de crianças adotáveis: uma análise sobre adoção tardia em torno dos dados do Cadastro Nacional de Adoção (CNA)
2021-04-22Registro en:
SANT'ANA, Julia Rocha. Raça, gênero e geração como determinantes para a escolha de crianças adotáveis: uma análise sobre adoção tardia em torno dos dados do cadastro nacional de adoção (CNA). 2021. 59f. Monografia (Graduação em Serviço Social) - Departamento de Serviço Social, Centro de Ciência Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2021.
Ferreira, Julia Rocha de Sant'anna
This paper addresses the issue of late adoption in Brazil, seeking to contribute to the existing discussions on the impacts of racial and gender issues on the lives of children and especially black children available for adoption. From a dialectical historical perspective, a bibliographic research was carried out in order to survey the aspects of the historical trajectory of the black family in Brazil that resulted in the data collected in the National Adoption Register (CNA) and in the National Reception System (SNA) that reveal in numbers such as the reception and the search for applicants for adoption. The research points to the following results: brown and black children are a major part of shelters and adoption records and even then, they take longer to be adopted or are never adopted, especially when they are male. And however much, it is not possible to relate the preference of non-black children on the part of the suitors to racial prejudice; it is possible to relate the data collected to structural racism present in a society with a colonial past and a capitalist present.