Histórias de adoção tardia: considerações a partir da analítica existencial heideggeriana
2014-08-15Registro en:
FREITAS, Sayonara Oliveira. Histórias de adoção tardia: considerações a partir da analítica existencial heideggeriana. 2014. 180f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Centro de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, 2014.
Freitas, Sayonara Oliveira
Adoption establishes a filiation status, resulting from a legal act, which attributes to the
child and parents the rights and obligations associated with such condition, being legally
irrevocable. Nevertheless, in practice there are adoptions that do not concretize and the
child returns to justice during or even after the legal process is closed. Late adoption is
the denomination of the adoption of children over two years and it is still permeated by
myths and stigmas, leading to a frequent return of the child to justice in these cases. The
late adoption involves a process of building a unique relationship with a child whose
backstory is commonly marked by the dissolution of the relationship with the family of
origin, due to violation of rights and, in some cases, the experience of institutional care.
Given such a scenario, this research, based on the Existential Analytic proposed by Martin
Heidegger, seeks to understand the experience of mothers and children in the process of
late adoption, in order to obtain subsidies to psychological attention in this context. This
is a qualitative, phenomenological study with a comprehensive focus. The participants
were two mothers and two children who have gone through late adoption for about two
years. The procedures of data generation contemplated narrative interviews with mothers
and individual meetings with children, in which ludic resources were used as mediators
of expression (free drawings, unfinished children's story and "Story-Drawings" on late
adoption). The procedures were audiotaped and transcribed. Data analysis was grounded
in Heidegger's hermeneutics. The late adoption process, permeated by historical, social
and cultural determinants and the web of meanings that create the historical singularity
of each person involved have proved to be complex as seen in the narratives. The
construction of the meanings of parenthood and filiation has been developing in the
families in the study, from the experience of being-with-the-other, caring and dwelling in
their peculiar modes of expression. The family of origin and the adoptive family mingle
and differentiate by means of the experience of children, especially because of the
existence of biological siblings. Data point to the importance of psychological care to
family core in late adoption processes