Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 172
The rational reconstruction of the research program on classic rationalism: Locke and the empiricist approach
This article intends to rationally reconstruct Locke`s theory of knowledge as incorporated in a research program concerning the nature and structure of the theories and models of rationality. In previous articles we argued ...
Dios, ineludible en el orden práctico
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 28 d)
Certainty in Descartes' PhilosophyCertainty in Descartes' PhilosophyCertainty in Descartes' Philosophy
(Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras, 2022)
Conocimiento, certeza, dudas y viajes a la Luna: variaciones sobre un tema wittgensteinianoKnowledge, certainty, doubts and travels to the moon: variations on a wittgensteinian theme
(Universidad de la Laguna, 2018-06)
En este artículo trato de comprender el valor de verdad de una serie de proposiciones, relacionadas con la posibilidad de viajar a la Luna, que Wittgenstein y Moore entendieron como certezas, dando distintas comprensiones ...
Post-truth and the crisis of the political.
(Soft Power, 2019-07-01)
I understand post-truth as a new paradigm in politics - one that goes beyond mere political lying and spin and points to the decline of the symbolic authority of truth itself. In so far as, as Arendt claimed, politics ...
A reconstrução racional do programa de pesquisa sobre o racionalismo clássico: Locke e a vertente empirista
(Univ Do Vale Do Rio Dos Sinos, 2009-08)
Este artigo pretende reconstruir racionalmente a teoria do conhecimento de Locke enquanto incorporado a um programa de pesquisa acerca da natureza e estrutura das teorias e modelos da racionalidade. Sustentamos em artigos ...
Science and truth
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1997)
Philosophy of science and mainstream epistemology have much to leam from each other. Most twentienth\century philosophers of science set absurdly high standards for knowledge, and so succumb to naive sceptical arguments. ...
Influence of legal principles on justice
(Universidad del Zulia, 2021)