Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 609
“You should (not) do that”: An Evaluative Model of Normative Appeals (EMNA)
(Taylor & Francis, 2015-10)
Normative appeals refer to those messages that indicate that one should (or should not) engage in a certain action in a given situation. According to the psychosocial research, the decision to fulfill a normative appeal ...
The other side of the coin: Constitutional protection of the company, entrepreneurship and free competition in Chile and Colombia
(Centro Universitario de Brasilia, 2020)
This paper studies the constitutional protection of business, entrepreneurship, and free competition in Chile and Colombia. The research provides with a review of law of both countries, analyzing the actions and constitutional ...
Framing Communication Messages to Promote Covid-19 Protective Behaviors in Mexico: An Application of Protection Motivation Theory
(Universidad de Guadalajara y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021)
Depósito recursal no processo brasileiro e a sua aplicabilidade no processo civil
(Universidade Católica de Pernambuco, 2014-04-23)
This dissertation examines the Appeals Process in the Brazilian deposit and its Application in Civil Procedure. Therefore, the research supports the appeal bond in the Brazilian Civil Procedure and microsystem of special ...
A limitação da responsabilidade civil do transportador aéreo por extravio de bagagens em vôos internacionais frente à decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento conjunto dos RE 636.331 e ARE 766.618The limitation of civil liability of the air carrier for loss of baggage on international flights in the face of the decision of the Supremo Tribunal Federal in the joint trial of RE 636.331 and ARE 766.618
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilDireito, 2018)
A tutela antecipada concedida por ocasião da sentença de mérito e a controvérsia sobre os recursos cabíveis para sua impugnação
(Universidade Federal do Rio de JaneiroBrasilFaculdade Nacional de DireitoUFRJ, 2019)