Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
Effect of wholewheat flour particle shape obtained by different milling processes on physicochemical characteristics and quality of bread
(Faculty Food Technology Biotechnology, 2020-07)
Wholewheat flour is a very good source of nutritional compounds and functional ingredients for human diet. However, it causes negative effect on bread quality. Different milling techniques can be used to obtain wholewheat ...
Effect of wholewheat flour particle shape obtained by different milling processes on physicochemical characteristics and quality of bread
(Faculty Food Technology Biotechnology, 2020-07-01)
Wholewheat flour is a very good source of nutritional compounds and functional ingredients for human diet. However, it causes negative effect on bread quality. Different milling techniques can be used to obtain wholewheat ...
Assessment of bioactive compounds and their in vitro bioaccessibility in whole-wheat flour pasta
(Elsevier, 2019-09)
We studied the polyphenol profile and antioxidant properties of cooked whole-wheat pasta to evaluate its effective antioxidant capacity, including changes produced by its production and in vitro digestion. The polyphenol ...
Physical, Chemical And Sensory Properties Of Gluten-free Kibbeh Formulated With Millet Flour (pennisetum Glaucum (l.) R. Br.)
Effect of wheat pearling process on composition and nutritional profile of flour and its bread-making performance
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021-10)
Pearling process on wheat grains was evaluated as a strategy to reduce their adverse effect on whole-wheat bread (WWB) quality and simultaneously preserve part of the nutrients of the whole grain. The grains were pearled ...