Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1115
Memoria operativa verbal, comprensión verbal y rendimiento académico en niños de Primero
En la etapa escolar Primaria los niños empiezan a construir conocimiento conceptual y
para ello deben afianzar procesos cognitivos como el lenguaje y la memoria. No obstante,
estos procesos requieren del desarrollo de ...
Expository multimedia comprehension in E-learning: Presentation format, verbal ability and working memory capacity
(Blackwell Publishing, 2021-06)
Most of the studies establishing factors affecting digital text and multimedia comprehension have been conducted in controlled conditions. The present study sought to test and extend the modality and seductive details ...
Executive performance and reading achievement in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience executive function alterations, resulting in difficulties with attentional control and cognitive flexibility. Considering the complexity of the ...
Executive performance and reading achievement in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) experience executive function alterations, resulting in difficulties with attentional control and cognitive flexibility. Considering the complexity of the ...
The role of literal features during processing of novel verbal metaphors
(Frontiers Media, 2021)
When a word is used metaphorically (for example “walrus” in the sentence “The president
is a walrus”), some features of that word’s meaning (“very fat,” “slow-moving”) are
carried across to the metaphoric interpretation ...
Comprensión lectora: contribución de la memoria de trabajo verbal en Educación Primaria diferenciada
Los resultados de las pruebas internacionales indican la necesidad de mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes mexicanos. La memoria de trabajo verbal constituye un proceso cognitivo implicado en la comprensión ...
Spatial Inferences in Narrative Comprehension: the Role of Verbal and Spatial Working Memory
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2016-03)
During the comprehension of narrative texts, readers keep a mental representation of the location of protagonists and objects; a breach in spatial coherence is detected by longer online reading times (consistency effect). ...
Comprehension of academic expository texts in e-book Reader vs. paper: influence of prior domain knowledge and verbal aptitudeComprensión de textos expositivos académicos en e-book Reader y en papel: influencia del conocimiento previo de dominio y la aptitud verbal
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2018)
Computerized Working Memory Battery (BIMeT-V): Studying the Relation between Working Memory, Verbal Reasoning and Reading ComprehensionBateria Computadorizada de Memória de Trabalho (BIMeT-V): Estudo da Relação entre a Memória de Trabalho, o Raciocínio Verbal e a Compreensão de LeituraBatería Computarizada de Memoria de Trabajo (BIMeT-V): Estudio de la relación entre la Memoria de Trabajo, el Razonamiento Verbal y la Comprensión Lectora
(Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia, 2019-03)
Working memory refers to all the systems and processes linked to the maintenance and active retention of information relevant to the performance and execution of complex cognitive tasks. Individual diff erences in working ...