Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 127
Perturbation Theory for the Thermal Hamiltonian: 1D Case
(SPRINGER, 2021)
This work continues the study of the thermal Hamiltonian, initially proposed by J. M. Luttinger in 1964 as a model for the conduction of thermal currents in solids. The previous work (De Nittis and Lenz in Spectral theory ...
Spectral theory of the thermal Hamiltonian: 1D case
(European Mathematical Society Publishing House, 2021)
© 2021 European Mathematical Society.In 1964 J. M. Luttinger introduced a model for the quantum thermal transport. In this paper we study the spectral theory of the Hamiltonian operator associated with Luttinger's model, ...
Termodinámica del enredo en sistemas cuánticos bipartitos simples
(Udelar. FC., 2017)
Quantum thermodynamics aspects with a thermal reservoir based on PT -symmetric Hamiltonians
We present results concerning aspects of quantum thermodynamics under the background of non-Hermitian quantum mechanics for the dynamics of a quantum harmonic oscillator. Since a better control over the parameters in quantum ...
Spectral Theory of the Thermal Hamiltonian
We will study the operator HT , called the Thermal Hamiltonian, originally pro- posed by Luttinger to study the e↵ects of a thermal gradient in the matter. We will start by rigurously defining the initially formally ...
Universal conductance for the Anderson model
We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto ...
Universal conductance for the Anderson model
We discuss the thermal dependence of the zero-bias electrical conductance for a quantum dot embedded in a quantum wire, or side-coupled to it. In the Kondo regime, the temperature-dependent conductances map linearly onto ...
Spectral theory of the thermal Hamiltonian
(Universidad de Chile, 2020-07)
Se estudiar´a el operador HT , llamado el Hamiltoniano Termal, originalmente propuesto
por Luttinger para estudiar el efecto de un gradiente t´ermico en la materia.
Primero le daremos definiciones rigurosas al inicialmente ...