Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 39
Computer simulation of the stochastic transport equation
(EMAp - Escola de Matemática Aplicada, 2015)
In this article the numerical approximation of the stochastic transport equation is considered. We propose a new computational scheme for the effective simulation of the solutions of this equation. Results on the convergence ...
Global asymptotic stability of solutions of cubic stochastic difference equations
Global almost sure asymptotic stability of solutions of some nonlinear stochastic difference equations with cubic-type main part in their drift and diffusive part driven by square-integrable martingale differences is proven ...
Una nota sobre valoración de opciones financieras y ecuaciones diferenciales parciales no lineales (I)
(Facultad de Finanzas, Gobierno y Relaciones Internacionales, 2019-05-13)
Se presentan los fundamentos del problema de la valoración de opciones en contextos menos restrictivos que el propuesto por Black-Scholes, utilizando ecuaciones diferenciales parciales no lineales.
The calibration of stochastic local-volatility models: an inverse problem perspective
(Elsevier, 2019)
We tackle the calibration of the Stochastic Local-Volatility (SLV) model. This is the class of financial models that combines the local volatility and stochastic volatility features and has been subject of the attention ...
Stochastic PDEs, random fields and exact mean-values
(IOP Publishing, 2020-10)
Introducing projector-operator technique and algebra of Terwiel's cumulants we study stochastic linear partial differential equations with global and local disorder. We present the evolution equation for the mean-value of ...
Sobre la Solución Numérica de Problemas Inversos
En este trabajo se revisan algunos métodos numéricos y estadísticos para la solución de problemas inversos. El enfoque Bayesiano presentado es cada vez más utilizado en las aplicaciones y proporciona una estimación de la ...
Monte carlo evaluation model of an undeveloped oil field
In this article we develop and implement a model to value an undeveloped oil field and to determine the optimal timing of investment. We assume a two factor model for the stochastic behavior of oil prices for which a closed ...