Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81
Effectiveness of systematic spike dithering depends on the precision of cortical synchronization
Spike synchronization is a candidate mechanism of cortical information processing. The widely used method of dithering randomly perturbs the spike times of experimental data to construct a distribution of coincidence counts ...
Effectiveness of systematic spike dithering depends on theprecision of cortical synchronization
Spike synchronization is a candidate mechanism of cortical information processing. The
widely used method of dithering randomly perturbs the spike times of experimental data to
construct a distribution of coincidence ...
Saccade-related modulations of neuronal excitability support synchrony of visually elicited spikes
During natural vision, primates perform frequent saccadic eye movements, allowing only a narrow time window for processing the visual information at each location. Individual neurons may contribute only with a few spikes ...
Dynamics of stimulus-evoked spike timing correlations in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus
Precisely synchronized neuronal activity has been commonly observed in the mammalian visual pathway. Spike timing correlations in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) often take the form of phase synchronized oscillations ...
Synchronization Analysis in Models of Coupled Oscillators
The present work deals with the analysis of the synchronization possibility in chaotic oscillators, either completely or per phase, using a coupling force among them, so they can be used in attention systems. The neural ...
Effect of interacting second- and third-order stimulus-dependent correlations on population-coding asymmetries
(American Physical Society, 2016-10)
Spike correlations among neurons are widely encountered in the brain. Although models accounting for pairwise interactions have proved able to capture some of the most important features of population activity at the level ...
Superlinear Summation of Information in Premotor Neuron Pairs
(World Scientific, 2017-03)
Whether premotor/motor neurons encode information in terms of spiking frequency or by their relative time of firing, which may display synchronization, is still undetermined. To address this issue, we used an information ...
Higher-order correlations in common input shapes the output spiking activity of a neural population
(Elsevier Science, 2017-04)
Recent neurophysiological experiments suggest that populations of neurons use a computational scheme in which spike timing is regulated by common non-Gaussian inputs across neurons. The presence of beyond-pairwise correlations ...
Simultaneous Determination of Phenanthrene and Benzo(a)pyrene in Water Samples by Synchronous Fluorescence Spectroscopy
(Taylor & Francis Inc, 2009-01-01)
A simple and sensitive method was developed to simultaneously determine phenanthrene and benzo(a) pyrene in water samples using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy with a 56-nm Delta lambda. The method was used to ...
On global mechanisms of synchronization in networks of coupled chaotic circuits and the role of the voltage-type coupling
(Springer, 2020-06-13)
A model for synchronization of coupled Nakano’s chaotic circuits is studied. The Nakano circuit consists of a simple RLC circuit with a switch voltage-depending reset rule which generates a discontinuous dynamics. Thus, ...