Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 65
How does tourist perception lead to tourist hesitation? Empirical evidence from Bangladesh
(SpringerNL, 2022)
The paper aims to identify the factors that cause prospective tourists’ hesitation to travel. The study also examines whether this relationship is mediated by the tourist perception in Bangladesh. The study is of quantitative ...
Smart Tourism DestinationsLibro Blanco de los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes
(Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, 2021)
Tourists’ Experiences with Smart Tourism Technology at Smart Destinations and Their Behavior IntentionsExperiencias de los turistas con la tecnología turística inteligente en destinos inteligentes y sus intenciones de comportamiento
(Journal of Travel Research, 11/08/2019)
This study attempts to assess how tourists use smart tourism technologies at destinations and measure the effects of STT usage on overall travel experience and future revisit intention. Although STTs have received growing ...
Perfil del turista digital y su relación con la gestión de destinos turísticos inteligentes
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2021-11-28)
El avance tecnológico ha cambiado la forma de relacionarse de las personas, esto ha generado que el turismo se visualice desde diferentes enfoques los cuales recaen esencialmente en la relación con la tecnología, la ...
La gobernanza y su relación con los destinos turísticos inteligentes. Caso de estudio cantón Cuenca
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-04-26)
The objective of this research is to design a proposal for alternative courses of action as a
contribution to the governance for the transition of the Cuenca canton towards a Smart Tourist
Destination. For this, a diagnosis ...
Percepção de turistas sobre os impactos do uso das tecnologias de turismo inteligente em destinos turísticos durante a pandemia da Covid-19
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNTurismoDepartamento de Turismo, 2021-09-15)
Introduction: Technologies have been expanding change in various sectors and it would not be different in the tourism sector. With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, new forms of technologies generated a need for ...