Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15879
The incidence of the lack of appropriate methodology to teach English reading in the 10th grade "A" at "San Rafael" School
(QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2007, 2007)
This study describes a reading program conducted at a secondary school in Quito, aimed at motivating the students to read in English and helping them overcome their problems in understanding English texts as a means towards ...
Reading-challenged fourth formers' perspectives on schooling
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2009)
This study sought to reveal the perspectives on schooling of two fourth-form students who read below their chronological age and who were enrolled in a senior comprehensive school on the "East-West Corridor" in Trinidad ...
(Univ Metodista Piracicaba-unimep, 2020-09-01)
This work is dedicated to identify the student reading routine and comparing it with school performance. The research is of a qualitative nature and was attended by 100 students from the 5th grade of elementary school, ...
Active strategies to develop comprehensive reading in an EFL classroom with children of seventh year of basic education at "Unidad Educativa Experimental La Llama del Valle", during the school year 2010-2011
(QUITO / ESPE - IDIOMAS / 2011, 2011)
This work has the objective to design strategies that might improve the reading comprehension for children from seventh year of basic education of the "Unidad Educativa Experimental La Llama del Valle", located in Sangolquí ...
Conceptions and practices in the teaching of English reading in high school
(Univ Federal Santa Maria, 2016-09-01)
Considering the unsatisfactory results regarding the teaching of English reading, as well as the scarcity of research on this theme in high school level, this research aims at identifying the theoretical and methodological ...
Validation of a reading attitudes survey in primary students Validacion de una Encuesta de Actitudes de Lectura en estudiantes de Educacion Basica
(Universidad Catolica Silva Henriquez, 2019)
The reading attitudes of primary students have proven to be relevant in their reading performance, so measuring them is fundamental to raise the level. The objective of this study was to validate and adapt the instrument ...