Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 318
The ancient kazakh legends in the drama of euripides of scholarly writers
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Obstacles, facilitators, and needs in doctoral writing: A systematic review
Writing is one of the main challenges doctoral students face in their process of becoming researchers. Nonetheless, institutional initiatives to support writing processes are relatively recent and not necessarily ...
"Es mi voz": A Survey of Early Latina Writers in Latino Literature Anthologies
(Queens University of Charlotte, 2021-09)
The production of anthologies is the result of a complex interplay of factors: the needs of teachers, the critical evaluation of editors and scholars, copyright limitations, and the demands of the marketplace. Determining ...
Invoking Flora Nwapa : Nigerian women writers, femininity and spirituality in world literature
By invoking Flora Nwapa, this monograph draws attention to Nigerian women writers in world literature, with an emphasis on femininity and spirituality. Flora Nwapa’s Efuru (1966) was the first internationally published ...
Narratives: Portraying Students’ Identity As Writers
The objective of this research study was to analyze B.A. students' writers' identity based on their narratives. The theory for this research was based on the poststructuralist perspective of identity and on theoretical ...
(Universidade Estadual de Ponta GrossaBrasilDepartamento de Estudos da LinguagemPrograma de Pós - Graduação em Estudos de LinguagemUEPG, 2018)
Capitulo 4: Una revisión a la mujer como sujeto marginal en derechos durante el siglo XIX
Most of the studies on women in the nineteenth century focus on the
century concentrates on rescuing biographical aspects of heroines and
biographical aspects of heroines and writers, but most of them
a good part of ...
Better writers for better writings. Interview with Violeta MolinaMejores escritores para mejores escritos. Entrevista a Violeta Molina
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2013)