Capitulo 4: Una revisión a la mujer como sujeto marginal en derechos durante el siglo XIX
2020Registro en:
Meza ,C., Lizarralde , A. & Lobo, S. (2020). Ciudadanías escindidas. Narrativas sobre la configuración del ciudadano en las constituciones políticas colombianas del siglo XIX. Universidad Santo Tomas. Bogotá
Meza Maya, Clara Victoria
Lizarralde Díaz, Álvaro
Lobo Ojeda, Sandra Marcela
Most of the studies on women in the nineteenth century focus on the
century concentrates on rescuing biographical aspects of heroines and
biographical aspects of heroines and writers, but most of them
a good part of them omit to delve into the processes and changes that affected women.
the processes and changes that affected women during that century.
women in the course of that century and their repercussions on society.
on society. One of these effects was that of their
citizenship, based on her questioned status as a person.
as a person.