Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1449
Victims in restorative justice: Active persons or individuals in need? A European study from practitioners' point of view Víctimas en justicia restaurativa: ¿sujetos activos o en necesidad? Un estudio europeo desde la perspectiva de operadores sociales
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2015)
Restorative justice has proliferated in europe and there is evidence suggesting that their practice is falling in debt to the victims of crime. The restorative justice policies seems not to be constituing genuine spaces ...
Human Rights e victims of violence: experiencies and dilemmas of support for victimsDireitos Humanos e vítimas de violência: experiências e dilemas do atendimento
(Universidade Estadual Paulista / UNESP, 2010)
“Victimización Secundaria: mala praxis por parte del sistema judicial. Un estudio desde la ética profesional”
(Ediciones Universidad Simón BolívarFacultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, 2022)
Se busca identificar los factores que influyen en la victimización secundaria como
consecuencia de la mala praxis por parte del sistema judicial, con relación a la ética
profesional en la prestación de una atención y ...
A violência no contexto de um serviço de urgência: análise do processo de cuidar na visão das vítimas e profissionais de saúde em Natal/RN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em EnfermagemAssistência à Saúde, 2009-10-30)
Exploratory descriptive study, with a quantitative approach and prospective data, performed in Pronto Socorro Clóvis Sarinho (PSCS), in Natal/RN, aiming to analyze care given by the nursing and medical staff to victims of ...
Gender-Based Violence, Perspectives in Latin America and the Caribbean
Introduction: To address the phenomenon of gender-based violence in Latin America and the Caribbean is an issue of epic proportion that reflects the unequal power dynamics created within the binary gender system and is ...
Mapeando riscos e selecionando intera????es: a constru????o de defesas contra a viol??ncia por Agente Comunit??rios de Sa??de de Salvador-Ba
(Disserta????o apresentada ao Programa de P??s-Gradua????o em Sa??de Coletiva, como requisito parcial para obten????o do grau de mestre em Sa??de Comunit??ria., 2012)
Coping strategies in health care providers as second victims : A systematic review
Aim: To analyze personal and organizational strategies described in the literature for dealing with the second victim phenomenon among healthcare providers. Background: The second victim phenomenon involves many associated ...
Prácticas profesionales de atención pre hospitalaria, en el abordaje de la violencia de género, Quito 2018-2019
The first response care to victims of gender violence is carried out through the intervention, protocols and clinical guidelines as part of their professional practices in prehospital care, people who perform this intervention ...