Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8149
The impact that exposure to digital fabrication technology has on student entrepreneurial intentions
Purpose - This paper investigates the role exposure to digital fabrication technology plays in the development of students' entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intentions.
Design/Methodology/Approach - Data was ...
Chilean Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education, Intention, and Self-Efficacy to Implement Inclusive Practices
Teachers play an important role in the success of inclusive practices for diverse learners in
regular classrooms. It is, therefore, important to examine their beliefs and preparation to teach in inclusive
classrooms. The ...
Against normative judgement internalism
(Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 2013-04)
Normative judgement internalism claims that enkrasia is an ideal of rational agency that poses a necessary link between making a normative judgement, and forming an intention to act according to that judgement. Against ...
Understanding the Belief Systems behind Software Engineering Practices: Studies on Evidence-Based Practices in an Industrial Setting
(Instituto de MatemáticaPrograma Multiinstitucional de Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação, UFBA-UNIFACS-UEFSIMbrasil, 2017-06-06)
Many theories in health care and business administration seek answers to the fundamental question of why people behave the way they do. They aim to understand the beliefs underlying an intention or behavior. These theories ...
Elementary school children's conceptions of teaching and learning to write as intentional activities
(Elsevier Ltd, 2020-02)
We study children's conceptions of teaching and learning to write as intentional activities. Sixty elementary school children in First, Fourth and Seventh Grade were interviewed individually following a structured script ...
Understanding the Belief Systems behind Software Engineering Practices: Studies on Evidence-Based Practices in an Industrial Setting
(Instituto de Matem??ticaPrograma Multiinstitucional de P??s-gradua????o em Ci??ncia da Computa????o, UFBA-UNIFACS-UEFSIMbrasil, 2017-06-06)
Brazilian dental students' intentions and motivations towards their professional career
Investigating career motivations and intentions of dental students provides a better understanding of their role in society and contributes to the debate on dental education and practices. This study describes the profile, ...
Brazilian dental students' intentions and motivations towards their professional career
Investigating career motivations and intentions of dental students provides a better understanding of their role in society and contributes to the debate on dental education and practices. This study describes the profile, ...